A reminder of how things are going


Zico is performing away…

And doing his show (a random audience member who looks like Psy entertains!).

It’s all chugging along despite AllKPop’s efforts. There’s a little more interest than usual in this post, but that’s to be expected, and it’s nothing especially exciting. To be perfectly honest, while I don’t love the effort to drag Zico into it, I do think things like that BBC documentary are necessary: There is this idea in some circles that K-Pop really is sweet & pure and filled with the most decent humans ever, so I think it’s important to point out that the K-Pop industry is just as seedy as any other entertainment industry anywhere else.

And as a long-time fan, I’ll say that this is what you see: Zico has a monster hit, and then there’s some pushback that becomes increasingly desperate and absurd (he was a mouthy kid!). But Zico just keeps on making the music and cranking out the hits, and if that makes a certain segment of the population miserable, that is their own choice. They could always opt to get themselves a life.

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